trick or treat !

happy halloween!

you've probably come here via my main site, in which case it probably isn't at all surprising that i love halloween, given the general haunted house ghosty vibes i have going on everywhere! it's my favorite holiday, and my birthday is the day before it, which makes it even better.

i love the costumes, especially when they're handmade. i love the memory of sitting on the living room floor and divvying up my candy haul with my sister as a kid, so we each got only the types of candy we liked. i love going to haunted houses with friends. i love that halloween is both an excuse to be genuine & silly & campy — listen, i'm gay, of course i feel strongly about the freedom that can come from being allowed to skip around in a fun little costume — and a day in which confronting fear and death and horror head-on is celebrated, in a culture which often prefers to pretend these things don't exist. it's the same reason horror movies are fun — it's all about having a safe way to interact with fear, which i think is super important, and also, fun!

this page is dedicated to all the things i love about halloween. it's a work-in-progress and i'll probably keep adding to it throughout the year! click around and explore a bit; you might find some treats (and tricks) hidden around! :^)