2024 goals


i have a mirror of this list on my scrapbook page, but i wanted a place where i can write a bit more at length about my goals for 2024, have all my notes for those goals in one place, & do more in-depth check-ins on them throughout the year!

2023 was not my best year in many ways — though i definitely did some cool stuff, my mental health has taken a bit of a nosedive in the latter half of the year. my hope is that setting some goals (and having the accountability of them being somewhat public like this) will help me feel a bit more in control of things in the new year & give me some concrete things to work towards!

  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)
    • visit at least 3 potential cities (philly, pittsburgh, providence?)
  • keep a daily journal
    * doesn't have to be a full entry every day, just something every day, whether that's a little doodle, some stickers, a to-do list, or etc.
    * goal: be more intentional with how i spend my days; make notes so i remember when things have happened
  • start going on dates again... maybe.... perhaps
    * this will require spending some time on the apps again, unfortunately
    * part of this goal is also getting better at talking to people / remembering to reply to messages
  • finally get a cat
  • take more selfies
    * goal: to feel better about myself & put more effort into what i wear
  • try 1 new recipe1 every month

  • get an agent
  • pitch at least one graphic novel
  • table 3+ conventions
  • experiment with new mediums2
  • finish revamping my portfolio site

  • read 30 books
  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)
  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear
  • post 10 more songs on my music page
  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade
  • perform at an open mic night


potential recipes to try

ideas for experimenting with art mediums

- a narrative quilt - figure out how to combine comics work & sewing? (insp: alisa golden)

- glitch/old-web-inspired quilt

- if i can find a class/workshop/etc: ceramics, screenprinting, riso printing

- finally do some kind of code-based comic project

- more zines!!! (shirley jackson lesbians zine, pacific rim zine, poetry zine?, redrawn halloween valentines cards zine)



  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)
  • -> i've asked some friends to keep an ear out if anyone they know is looking for roommates in nyc around when my lease is up. fingers crossed!
  • keep a daily journal
  • start going on dates again?
  • finally get a cat
  • take more selfies
  • try 1 new recipe every month
  • -> made pancakes from scratch for the first time this month!
  • get an agent
  • pitch at least one graphic novel
  • table 3+ conventions
  • -> i've done 3 so far and have 2 more lined up for the year!
  • experiment with new mediums
  • finish revamping my portfolio site
  • read 30 books
  • -> currently: 12/30
  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)
  • -> open mic, concert @ board game bar,

  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear
  • -> haven't done this one yet but i did buy a sewing machine!
  • post 10 more songs on my music page
  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade
  • -> did not succeed in this one this month, solely because it's been sooooo hot out and i needed some tank tops to wear & there's no decent thrift stores around me where i could hunt for good ones.
  • perform at an open mic night
  • -> did this in may, and a second time in june (while out of town for a convention i read some poetry at an open mic)!


  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)
  • -> i've asked some friends to keep an ear out if anyone they know is looking for roommates in nyc around when my lease is up. fingers crossed!
  • keep a daily journal
  • start going on dates again?
  • -> went on 1 date this month (with plans for more in the future, possibly!)
  • finally get a cat
  • take more selfies
  • try 1 new recipe every month
  • -> still not doing so hot on the cooking in general tbh.
  • get an agent
  • pitch at least one graphic novel
  • -> still waiting to hear back from publishers on the pitch that went out last month. i'd like to start getting things together for my sci-fi gothic pitch too, soon!
  • table 3+ conventions
  • -> i've done 2 so far and have 3 more lined up for the year!
  • experiment with new mediums
  • -> made a zine of some old poetry, and also played guitar in front of people for the first time
  • finish revamping my portfolio site
  • read 30 books
  • -> currently: 12/30
  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)
  • -> drink and draw, pillow fight wrestling show, comics meetup, spotlight party, horror club book swap

  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear
  • post 10 more songs on my music page
  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade
  • perform at an open mic night
  • -> i could've sworn i had this on my list, but maybe it was on my goals list last year and i forgot i hadn't carried it over. anyways, i did this one! added it to the bigger list at the top of the page too.


  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)
  • -> still trying to figure this one out, tbh. i've been too overwhelmed with various things to even consider where to move, yet, aside from the ongoing yearning to be back in new york.
  • keep a daily journal
  • start going on dates again?
  • finally get a cat
  • take more selfies
  • try 1 new recipe every month
  • -> i've been hardly cooking at all, honestly — not having a grocery store near me (and not having a car to get to a grocery store with) has been a real obstacle in the whole "humans need food to survive" thing lately.

overall, i haven't been doing so hot on any of these personal goals tbh.

  • get an agent
  • pitch at least one graphic novel
  • -> i finished up sample pages on a project & got everything sent to my writer's agent last month! so: pitch complete! now to wait for a publisher to pick it up (hopefully) (fingers crossed!!!)
  • table 3+ conventions
  • -> i've got 5 lined up for the year currently, so i'm gonna mark this one down as a success, too.
  • experiment with new mediums
  • -> fiddled with some poetry this month!
  • finish revamping my portfolio site
  • -> finished this one back in march, but i forgot to make an update post last month.
  • read 30 books
  • -> currently: 7/30
  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)
  • -> atlas obscura monster of the week lectures (online); horror club movie night (irl, seeing "abigail")

  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear
  • post 10 more songs on my music page
  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade


  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)
  • keep a daily journal
  • start going on dates again?
  • finally get a cat
  • take more selfies
  • try 1 new recipe every month
  • get an agent
  • pitch at least one graphic novel
  • table 3+ conventions
  • experiment with new mediums
  • finish revamping my portfolio site
  • read 30 books
  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)
  • ↪ 02/07-09: atlas obscura sun lecture series (online)

  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear
  • post 10 more songs on my music page
  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade


  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)
  • keep a daily journal
  • ↪ kept up with this for about half of january
  • start going on dates again?
  • ↪ went on one date with a cool person i met at the local board game bar!
  • finally get a cat
  • take more selfies
  • try 1 new recipe every month
  • ↪ didn't get to this one this month
  • get an agent
  • pitch at least one graphic novel
  • ↪ got some good work done on sample pages for one pitch
  • table 3+ conventions
  • ↪ tabled an art fair at a local bar
  • experiment with new mediums
  • ↪ did some quilting (which isn't new, but aiming to quilt something that looks like an object is new, and i made some cool house-themed quilt blocks!)
  • finish revamping my portfolio site
  • ↪ almost done
  • read 30 books
  • ↪ 3/30
  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)
  • ↪ ︎01/06: horror club meetup, 01/09: musical with e. & m, 01/21: horror club meetup

  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear
  • post 10 more songs on my music page
  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade
  • ↪ didn't buy any new clothes this month

end of 2023 (starting point & initial thoughts!)

  • move to a new city once my lease is up (august)

    i've been wanting to do this for a while; i've lived in my current city for a year and a half (and grew up near here, too) and i'm, frankly, sort of miserable here. i lived in nyc previously, and i miss it very badly, but it's impossible to convince new york landlords to rent to you if you aren't a millionaire. this means i need to explore some new cities and see if i can see myself in any of them! my plan currently is to visit philly, pittsburgh, and providence; i might also look into things that are along the metro north line so it would be easy to get to nyc to visit friends. my main requirements for a city are good public transit, decent gay bars (/generally safe to be openly gay in), a good art scene (bonus points if i have comics friends living there already), and not too terribly cold in the winter.

  • keep a daily journal

    i've already bought a planner to use for this! i'm the sort of person who gets really into one method of cataloguing my days / tracking moods / etc etc etc for a few months and then falls off of it completely. i had an elaborate notion set-up going for about half of 2023, and did some bullet journaling before that. this is... not going to be any of those things. i need a place to just write down anything i'm thinking about, or do little doodles of dreams i've had, or just to put stickers in when i don't feel like writing things. i can jot down my mood or the weather or what i ate, but i'm not going to force myself to keep to any rigid habit/mood-tracking formats, since i think that's what's burnt me out on journaling in the past.

  • start going on dates again?

    i haven't really dated since i moved to my current city. i came out while living in nyc, which made it really easy to find other lesbians, since there's 2 lesbian bars in manhattan — and the downside of this is that i have no clue how gay people meet each other in states that don't have those pre-established places. i've been too afraid to try flirting with women just in case they end up being straight. (i also had a pretty bad relationship that lasted most of my time in college, so i feel like i wasted the years most people spend figuring out how to date, a little bit?) i don't know if i'll succeed in getting out there in person, so to speak, but maybe swiping on the apps again will lead somewhere, and i want to be open to that possibility. a side effect of this goal is that, hopefully, it'll mean getting some low-stakes practice in remembering to respond to messages in a timely fashion, which is something i've always been awful at.

  • finally get a cat

    i've been meaning to do this for ages. i've only ever had cats wander into my life on their own, so i think there's been sort of a mental block on the concept of going to an animal shelter and adopting one because that's just not something i've done before — but i think having a lil guy to take care of might help my mental health some, and i miss having a weird creature in my home.

  • take more selfies

    i used to feel a lot more present in my body, and i think having photographic evidence of my existence was part of the reason why. i want to start putting effort into having cute outfits again, maybe get all dolled up for events every once in a while, and mostly regain some of that confidence in how i look & that feeling of being in my body, instead of somewhere off to the side of it.

  • try 1 new recipe every month

    i love living alone, but it was much easier to cook when i had a roommate and was cooking for somebody else. it never quite seems worth the effort when i'm cooking just for myself — but i need to remember that making food for someone is a love language, and i can and should love myself enough to make myself some nice meals.

  • get an agent

    this one's been on my to-do list for the past few years, and i keep getting overwhelmed by the prospect. 2024 is the year that i, at the very least, make a super detailed list of potential agents to reach out to when i have a good project for them.

  • pitch at least one graphic novel

    as i write this, i've got two in early stages — one with a writer friend, and one that's just mine. i'm prioritizing the one with my friend first, but i'd like to get both of them at pitch-ready stages in 2024, so i can pitch the solo one next!

  • table 3+ conventions

    i have 1 planned & several more i need to apply to! in 2023 i got into several cons that i ended up not being able to attend, so i'm hoping i can get some of those on my list for '24 and visit some cool new places.

  • experiment with new mediums

    or old-but-haven't-played-with-them-in-a-while mediums. things to return to: gouache, embroidery, quilting, screenprinting. new things to try: ceramics, toy-making.

  • finish revamping my portfolio site

    this one will be a pretty easy win; it's almost entirely done, and all i have left to do is cleaning up some of the css & finishing a few illustrations to put in various places on it.

  • read 30 books

    i'm at 39 for 2023, so i think 30 is a super achievable goal to start with! (in 2022 i read 26 books, and in 2021 i read 21; i could probably bump this goal up to 40 to keep the upwards trajectory there, but i'm going to stick with 30 as a goal and see if i can get even more than that!)

  • go to at least 1 event, lecture, class, etc per month (online or in person)

    i have a bad habit of, every once in a while, scouring the 'events' pages of every cafe or bookstore in my area, jotting down a billion things in my calendar, and then... not actually going to any of them. i'd like to change that in 2024! there's plenty of free things to go to, and it could be a chance to meet people with shared interests, or just a chance for me to sit with my sketchbook and take notes on whatever the subject is. (online things count, too, but i'd like to make at least half of these be in-person things.)

  • sew at least 1 item of clothing i can actually wear

    the side goal here is to get proficient in using a sewing machine. i have a skirt halfway finished at my grandma's house, so hopefully i can finish that soon (and move onto other projects!) i also need to remember to actually post stuff on my sewing page.

  • post 10 more songs on my music page

    i'm super proud of my progress on guitar playing in 2023, and equally proud of posting some of that on this website, so i want to keep both of those going! the 'hard mode' of this goal is to go to an open mic night or something irl.

  • only buy clothes secondhand or handmade

    this one has been on my resolutions list for the past couple years. i haven't quite stuck to it, but i definitely keep it in the back of my mind whenever i feel like shopping, and i think it's definitely improved the urge to buy things i don't need — because yes, i could probably find jeans or a sweater or etc online, but if i have to go hunting for the perfect item in a thrift store it makes it a bit of a game, and fights just a little bit against fast fashion, and makes me more intentional about what items i'm adding to my closet.


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