virtual events

i like going to online lectures and book talks and things! maybe you do, too! maybe you don't and this page is just me making notes for myself. who knows. here's some places i've found that have (mostly free) online events about a variety of subjects.

    things i've been to before:

  • morbid anatomy - free & paid, talks on mythology, spirituality, horror, psychology, etc. i've been to a bunch of their virtual events and they've been kind of hit or miss for me — it's a toss-up on whether you'll get an actually fascinating talk on motifs in mythology around the world or, like, someone quoting freud entirely unironically. the good thing about free events, though, is that i don't feel like i've wasted any money if i dip from them halfway through.
  • atlas obscura - paid ($5/month), monthly series on antiques, historical discoveries, and cryptids (the monster of the month series is done by colin dickey, one of my favorite authors!) & other lecture series on seasonal myths and artmaking and other things every couple months. i really like these!
  • augur magazine - pay what you can, yearly summer workshops - i went to one of these last year (2023) on horror writing and really enjoyed it, so i'm hoping they do more again this year!
  • things i need to check out:

  • california state library - free, mostly history
  • library of congress - free, history/archives
  • smithsonian - paid, art history / workshops / history
  • smithsonian environmental research center - free, monthly science lectures about nature & sustainability
  • national gallery of art - free(?), art lectures & workshops
  • national museum of women in the arts - free & paid, art talks, curator lectures, and workshops. i just signed up for their educator summer camp bookmaking series & i'm super excited to do that!

do you know of some places that do cool virtual lectures / workshops / classes / etc? please leave a comment! i love learning things and i would love to go to more events virtually!


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