pixel clubs

art made for various pixel clubs! each will be linked back to the club creator's page, so you can find out more and join yourself if you'd like to! use the buttons on the side to navigate through the clubs.

if you add any of my pixels to your own collection for any of these clubs, i would love it if you'd leave a comment letting me know, so i can add yours to mine!

pocket town

pocket town is an old pixel club that was revived by divergentrays!

my houses:

my town:

old web street:

this street contains houses found in this town from older websites that i couldn't find working links for. you can hover over them for the creator's credit!

kitty friends

kitty friends is an old pixel club that was revived by divergentrays!

my kitties:



inspired by lostletter's page about the quilting bee, an old quilt-themed pixel trading club. i thought it'd be neat to make a little pixel square based on an actual quilt i made!

the quilting bee isn't around anymore officially, but if anyone else makes quilt squares and wants to trade / add each other's squares to our quilts, let me know!!

my quilt squares:

my quilt:

my teacups:

my teacup collection:

& a shelf of antique teacups

from members of the old teahouse mb pixel forum! found here & here — hover over them for credits, since most of these are no longer linked to any active sites.

i also made the little curio cabinet these cups are displayed in! feel free to use it for your own collection with credit.
here's the pieces & code!





sticker sheet club

my stickers:

my sticker sheet!

teeny towers

a collection of tiny rooms!

check out key's klubhouse for info & resources to build your own rooms and towers!

i also made the surrounding house bits & empty pink rooms in my tower — if you'd like, you can use those too, just make sure you credit me.

my tiny (haunted) room:

my tower:


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